Fire and explosions

Do you know at what vapour pressure and at what temperature which solvent forms an explosive atmosphere? If you work with it, you should be interested.

Faster than the fire brigade

[Translate to Englisch:] Feuerwehr im Einsatz © CC0

Strictly speaking, fires and explosions are rapid chemical reactions in which large amounts of energy are released, predominantly in the form of large amounts of heat.

Usually a fire or an explosion requires an ignitable mixture (i.e. combustible material and air or oxygen) in "ideal" composition and a source of ignition. Sometimes, however, a substance ignites all by itself.

Ignition sources can be open flames or sparks, for example from static charges caused by friction.

A very treacherous affair.


The following links lead you to the pages of the BAuA, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. You will find very detailed information on the various hazard factors, legal regulations and rules as well as important occupational health and safety measures.