Rules for handling and analysis of Asbestos

Of course, the analysis of asbestos is precisely regulated and follows a comprehensive set of regulations. Unfortunately, most regulations (ISO and VDI regulations and standards) are subject to a fee and must be purchased from (Aus)Beuth-Verlag for a small fee.

The freely available articles are linked.

Examination of material samples and dust samples

  • ISO 22262-1:2012-07 - Air quality -- Bulk materials -- Part 1: Sampling and qualitative determination of asbestos in commercial bulk materials
  • ISO 22262-2:2014-09 - Air quality -- Bulk materials -- Part 2: Quantitative determination of asbestos by gravimetric and microscopical methods
  • DIN ISO 22309:2015-11 - Microbeam analysis - Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) for elements with an atomic number of 11 (Na) or above (ISO 22309:2011)
  • VDI 3866 Blatt 1:2000-12 - Determination of asbestos in technical products - Principle - Sampling and sample preparation
  • VDI 3866 Blatt 5:2004-10 - Determination of asbestos in technical products - Scanning electron microscopy method
  • VDI 3866 Blatt 5:2017-06 – Determination of asbestos in technical products - Scanning electron microscopy method
  • VDI 3877 Blatt 1:2011-09 - Indoor air pollution - Measurement of fibrous dust on settled on surfaces - Sampling and analysis (REM/EDXA)
  • VDI 3877 Blatt 2:2014-12 - Indoor pollution - Measurement of fibrous dusts settled on surfaces - Sampling strategy and assessment of results
  • German only: IFA- / BIA-Verfahren 7487 (IFA-Arbeitsmappe, Kennzahl 7487):1997-04 - Verfahren zur analytischen Bestimmung geringer Massengehalte von Asbestfasern in Pulvern, Pudern und Stäuben mit REM/EDX

Analysis of air samples and liquids

  • ISO 14966:2002-11 - Ambient air - Determination of numerical concentration of inorganic fibrous particles - Scanning electron microscopy method
  • VDI 3492:2013-06 - Indoor air measurement - Ambient air measurement - Measurement of inorganic fibrous particles - Scanning electron microscopy method
  • VDI 3861 Blatt 2:2008-01 - Stationary source emissions - Measurement of inorganic fibrous particles in exhaust gas - Scanning electron microscopy method
  • German only: DGUV Information 213-546 (früher BGI 505-46 bzw. ZH1/120.46) - Analysenverfahren zur getrennten Bestimmung der Konzentrationen von lungengängigen anorganischen Fasern in Arbeitsbereichen – Rasterelektronenmikroskopisches Verfahren

Regulations (German only)

  • TRGS 517:2013-02 - Tätigkeiten mit potenziell asbesthaltigen mineralischen Rohstoffen und daraus hergestellten Gemischen und Erzeugnissen
  • TRGS 905:2016-03 - Verzeichnis krebserzeugender, keimzellmutagener oder reproduktionstoxischer Stoffe