Professorship for Daniele Brida

We congratulate Daniele Brida, who will be Professor of Physics at the University of Luxembourg from 1 July 2018. Daniele joined the Zukunftskolleg in April 2013 as a 5-year Research Fellow.

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Zukunftskolleg joined NetIAS

The Zukunftskolleg is now a member of NetIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study). The network brings together 23 Institutes for Advanced Study across Europe. Researchers affiliated with member institutions are eligible to apply for a Research Visit at the Zukunftskolleg.

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Senior Fellow Mark Dykman at the Zukunftskolleg

We welcome Mark Dykman to the Zukunftskolleg. He was invited as Senior Fellow by Gianluca Rastelli (Research Fellow / Dept.of Physics). Mark Dykman is a Professor in Condensed Matter Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University, USA. Gianluca decribes him as “one of the most outstanding theorists in the field of quantum condensed matter physics.”

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Mentorship and Independent Research Grant winners

In its meeting on 2 May, the Executive Committee decided on the applications within two calls for support measures: the Mentorship Programme and the Independent Research Grant.

Further the EC welcomed a new member: Carolin Antos-Kuby (Research Fellow/Dept. of Philosophy).

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New Cooperation Partner WIAS

The Zukunftskolleg extended its network of international cooperation partners by a partnership with the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS) based in Tokyo.

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We welcome Jolene Tan to the Zukunftskolleg

Jolene Tan is the last of our new fellows from the 12th call for applications to join the Zukunftskolleg. She will start her 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowship on June 1st and is affiliated with the department of psychology.

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Call for Applications: New Support Measure for Research Visits

Today, the Zukunftskolleg has issued calls for applications for new support measures to increase the international mobility of our fellows and enlarge the intercultural atmosphere at the Zukunftskolleg. The Research Visits programme encourages temporary international research stays for our fellows (Outgoing Research Visits) as well as inviting excellent, early career researchers from around the world to visit the Zukunftskolleg (Incoming Research Visits).

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New Publication by Barbara Hausmair

"Archaeologies of Rules and Regulation - Between Text and Practice", edited by Barbara Hausmair (Alumna / Dept. of History and Sociology), Ben Jervis, Ruth Nugent, and Eleanor Williams has recently been published by Berghahn Books.

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New Book by Jeff Kochan

Jeff is a philosopher and an Associated Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg. His book "Science as Social Existence: Heidegger and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge" has recently been published under open-access by the not-for-profit, academic-run press, Open Book Publishers (Cambridge, UK).

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Kjell Johan Sæbø mentors Sven Lauer at the Zukunftskolleg

Sven Lauer has invited Kjell Johan Sæbø as a mentor to Konstanz. Kjell Johan Sæbø is a Professor of German Linguistics at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages at the University of Oslo (Norway). He is an expert on semantics and pragmatics of natural languages.

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Welcome to the Zukunftskolleg, Philip Rathgeb!

Philip Rathgeb's Postdoctoral Fellowship starts today. He is associated with the Department of Politics and Public Administration. At the Zukunftskolleg, Philip will work on a project entitled "When populism meets government: The social policy impact of the radical right in Europe".

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Klaus Boldt receives DFG Grant

We congratulate Klaus Boldt, Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg since April 2015 and affiliated with the Department of Chemistry, on receiving a DFG Grant worth 218.450 euros.

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