Ulrich Sieberer

Professorship for Ulrich Sieberer

Ulrich Sieberer has accepted a Professorship for Empirical Political Science at the University of Bamberg (Germany) starting on April 2016. Ulrich Sieberer has been a Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg and the Department of Politics and Public Administration since 2011. We wish him all the best for his new position.

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Eleanor Coghill

Professorship for Eleanor Coghill

We congratulate Eleanor Coghill who has been offered a full professorship in “Semitic Languages” in the Department of Linguistics and Philology at the University of Uppsala (Sweden). Eleanor Coghill is a Research Fellow since 2010 and also Researcher at the University of Zürich (Switzerland). Her professorship will be starting in August. We wish her all the best!

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Tanja Rinker

Research grant for Tanja Rinker, the Center of Mulilinguism and the Binational School of Education

The Center of Multilinguism and the newly built Binational School of Education were successfull in applying for the program „Leuchttürme der Lehrerbildung ausbauen“, called by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Baden-Württemberg. Their project „Bildungssprache fördern: neue Perspektiven auf Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Fachunterricht“ will be supported with 930,000 euros. Zukunftskolleg Research Fellow Tanja Rinker, Janet Grijzenhout and her team will research in this area fort the…

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Exhibition “Gedankengeflechte” on European Tour

Thanks to the success of the exhibition “Gedankengeflechte”, Julien Bernard and Julie Pelletier are organizing similar events on Biomorphism in Europe - with several artists and interdisciplinary researchers. The next exhibition will be in Lisbon in February 2016. They have also submitted applications to realize the project in Marseille and Barcelona. Julien Bernard points out: “We are happy and proud about the Zukunftskolleg having trusted us for this project, and we still present the…

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Philip Leifeld

Professorship for Philip Leifeld

The Zukunftskolleg congratulates Philip Leifeld who accepted a Professorship at the University of Glasgow. In July he will start working as Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Research Methods at the School of Social and Political Sciences. We wish him all the best.

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Johanna Chojnicka

4-year Postdoctoral Fellowship for Joanna Chojnicka

We congratulate Joanna Chojnicka who accepted a position as research fellow at the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies of the University of Bremen. The four-year postdoctoral fellowship is financed by the program “Independent Projects for Post-Docs” of the University’s Central Research Development Fund (Zentrale Forschungsförderung). The fellowship will last until November 2019. The topic of her project is “Strategies of constructing femininity, masculinity and sexual identity in German,…

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Ariel Gutman started as Software Engineer for Google

We congratulate Ariel Gutman who started working as a Software Engineer at Google in December. He is part of a group dealing with Natural Language Processing, i.e. the computational handling of human language. “I was approached by Google last year, asking me if I want to make an interview by them. Since I was at that time reflecting whether I want to continue in academia or do something else, it seemed like a fortunate opportunity. Moreover, they proved to be very flexible, waiting for a year…

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Julia Boll

DFG Grant for Julia Boll

We congratulate Julia Boll whose application to the DFG for a 3-year position was granted. Starting on April 2016 she will work on her project “Thinking through Theatre: the Bare Life on Stage”. Further she will receive money for student assistants, conference and research travels, inviting guests and organizing workshops.

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Professorship for Roland Weierstall

The Zukunftskolleg congratulates Roland Weierstall who accepted a Professorship for Clinical Psychology/Psychotherapy at the Medical School in Hamburg, Germany. He started working there on October 1, 2015. We wish him all the best.

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Malte Drescher

Heisenberg Professorship for Malte Drescher

We congratulate Malte Drescher who is the first Heisenberg Professor at the University of Konstanz. He is professor for “Spectroscopy of Complex Systems” at the department of chemistry. On October 15, he will give his inaugural lecture on “Spies, Spins and Spectra” in which he explains the Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy as a method to analyze the structure and dynamic of macromolecules.  The Heisenberg Professorship is funded by the German Research Foundation for the duration of five…

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Philip Leifeld

Philip Leifeld takes up Positions in Zurich and Bern

Since October 1, Philip Leifeld has a dual affiliation at Eawag in Zurich and at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Eawag is the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology and is part of the ETH Domain, which includes the two universities of ETH Zurich and ETH Lausanne (EPFL) and the four independent research institutions of Empa, PSI, WSL and Eawag. Both in Zurich and Bern, he works as a senior researcher and member of the Policy Analysis…

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Nina Schneider

Double Success for Nina Schneider

We congratulate Nina Schneider whose application to the Volkswagen Stiftung for funding a symposium was granted. She receives up to 25.000 euros to organize the conference on “The Brazilian National Truth Commission in the Context of Latin America: Local, National, and Global Perspectives” that will take place from October 15-17 at Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover.

More information: https://brtruthcommission.wordpress.com/about/

Further the historian accepted a 3-year postdoc position at the…

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Philip Leifeld

Best Conference Paper Award for Philip Leifeld

Philip Leifeld received the Award for the Best Conference Paper on Political Networks, sponsored by the American Political Science Association (APSA). The award-winning paper with the title “A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison of the Temporal Exponential Random Graph Model and the Stochastic Actor-Oriented Model” (joint work with Skyler J. Cranmer, The Ohio State University) was presented at the Political Networks Conference 2014 in Montreal.

More information: http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.06696

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Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation jointly offer Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany and the U.S. The Fellowships aim at enabling postdoctoral researchers based in the U.S. to spend some time conducting studies at universities or research institutes in Germany. The grants will be awarded for a period of 9 - 12 months for the academic year 2016/2017. Application deadline is October 8, 2015. The Zukunftskolleg is…

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Nina Schneider

TV Interview with Nina Schneider

Nina Schneider was invited by the National University of Brasília (UNB) to talk about the concept of transitional justice and her new volume “Legacies of State violence and Transitional Justice in Cold War Latin America: a Janus-faced Paradigm?”, co-edited with Marcia Esparza (JJAY College). The UNB is currently hosting a new transitional justice network - the „Rede Latino-Americana de Justiça de Transição” (RLAJT, The Latin American Transitional Justice Network). One of the members of the RLAJT…

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Thomas Böttcher New Member of Junge Akademie

Congratulations to Thomas Böttcher: He is one of ten new members in the Junge Akademie. One artist and nine junior scientists from various disciplines, ranging from biophysics to the history of science, were welcomed at the annual celebration of the Junge Akademie on June 6, 2015. The Junge Akademie was founded in 2000 as a joint project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. It provides interdisciplinary and socially…

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Edina Szöcsik takes up Position at University of Bern

The Zukunftskolleg congratulates Edina Szöcsik who accepted a postdoc position at the University of Bern, Switzerland. She works within a comparative research project about the strategies of radical right parties, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation for three years.

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Fresnel Prize for Daniele Brida

We congratulate Daniele Brida who was awarded the Fresnel Prize. It is awarded every two years by the European Physical Society for outstanding contributions to quantum electronics and optics made by young scientists before the age of 35. The jury´s motivation for choosing Daniele Brida was: “The 2015 Fresnel Prize for applied aspects is awarded to Daniele Brida, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany, for the development of broadly tunable few-optical-cycle laser sources and their…

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Zukunftskolleg Alumni Cooperation Program

The Zukunftskolleg launched a new funding program that aims to support cooperations between former and current Fellows. The program comes out of the credo of the Zukunftskolleg “once a Fellow, always a Fellow”. Read more here.

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RiSC Grant for Gianluca Rastelli and Denis Seletskiy

We congratulate physicists Gianluca Rastelli and Denis Seletskiy who received a RiSC grant. The Research Seed Capital (RiSC) program is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg.
Gianluca Rastelli´s project entitled “Many-body interaction and decoherence in superconducting Josephson lattice qubits” is funded for 2 years to the amount of 94.990 Euros – and co-funded by the Young Scholar Fund of the University of Konstanz. Denis Seletskiy receives 99.410…

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