Welcome to Dr. Heike Schmoll as a Senior Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg

We are delighted to welcome Dr. h.c. Heike Schmoll to Konstanz from April to September 2009 as a Senior Fellow and Zukunftskolleg Award winner. She was nominated by Professor Gerhart von Graevenitz.

Heike Schmoll read German and Protestant Theology at Heidelberg, Tübingen and Munich and was a scholarship holder of the Tübinger Stift. Inspired by her studies under Eberhard Jüngel and Wolfhart Pannenberg, her particular interest focused on Systematic Theology. In 1989, she joined the news…

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Das Kleid der Bilder

Bildspezifische Sinndimensionen von Kleidung in der Vormoderne. International Conference, April 03 - 05, 2009, Organisation PD Dr. David Ganz


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Emmy Noether for Dr. Iris-Tatjana Kolassa

DFG awarded the Emmy Noether Program to Dr. Iris-Tatjana Kolassa for the project "Stress and trauma-associated immunological changes and their implications on health"

Chronic and traumatic stress, as experienced by persons suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is associated with poor health, high health care utilization, and an increased risk for a variety of diseases such as cardiovascular, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, stress has been associated with…

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Winners of the Mentorship grants of the Zukunftskolleg 2008

The Zukunftskolleg advertised mentorship grants of up to EUR 4,500 for the second time this year on September 11, 2008. Congratulations to all successful applicants:

  • Tim Friehe (Dept. of Economics), Mentor: Prof. Dr. Alfred Endres, University of Hagen
  • Cornelia Niessen (Dept. of Psychology), Mentor: Prof. Dr. Beryl Hesketh, College of Health and Science, University of Western Sydney, Australia
  • Margarita Stolarova (Dept. of Psychology), Mentors: Prof. Charles A. Nelson, Prof. Nadine Gaab,…
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New Zukunftskolleg Fellows

The second call for application (September, 1st & 2nd, 2008) has successfully been finished. The Zukunftskolleg commission has selected seven applicants as new fellows of the Zukunftskolleg. Between October and December following fellows will start their research projects at the Zukunftskolleg:

  • Karim Becher, Department of Mathematics; until now: University of Konstanz
  • Karsten Lambers, Department of Information Science; until now: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin
  • Anna Lipphardt,…
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Dr. Kolassa received the DeGPT Award

Dr. Iris-Tatjana Kolassa received the DeGPT Award of the Falk-von-Reichenbach Foundation (German Society for Psychotraumatology) amounting to EUR 1.750. Dr. Kolassa was honored for three studies including “A deletion variant of the α2b-adrenoceptor is related to emotional memory in Europeans and Africans”. This collaborative project of Iris-Tatjana Kolassa with Prof. Dr. Dominique de Quervain (University of Zurich) resulted from the Mentorship Program sponsored by the Zukunftskolleg in 2006. The…

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Press Release: First Formal Epistemology Festival

Konstanz, July 28-30, 2008

The background for the first Formal Epistemology Festival on Conditionals and Ranking Functions in Konstanz, Germany, was the 40th anniversary of Robert Stalnaker’s A Theory of Conditionals and the 20th anniversary of Wolfgang Spohn’s Ordinal Conditional Functions. A Dynamic Theory of Epistemic States. Besides the organizers Franz Huber, Eric Swanson, and Jonathan Weisberg, the other speakers were Igor Douven, David Etlin, Anthony Gillies, Alan Hájek, Hannes Leitgeb,…

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Press Release: Summer School 2008: Observing and Understanding Earth

Twenty-eight researchers from twelve countries met from July 13 to 20, 2008 at Konstanz for the international Zukunftskolleg summer school “Observing and Understanding Earth: Making the Most of Environmental Measurements” organized by Dr. Marc von Hobe from Forschungszentrum Jülich. “Environmental problems – particularly global climate change – are an ever growing challenge to humankind. Efforts to overcome this challenge and our endeavour to build a sustainable future require a thorough…

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New Zukunftskolleg Fellows

The first call for application has successfully been finished. The Zukunftskolleg commission has selected seven applicants as new fellows of the Zukunftskolleg, as listed below:

  • Helen Gunter, Department of Biology; previously: University of Queensland; since December 2007 University of Konstanz
  • Julia Jones, Department of Biology; previously: University of Sydney; since March 2008 University of Konstanz
  • Shujun Li, Department of Information Science; until now: FernUniversität Hagen
  • Marilena…
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