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IDAHOBITA* 2022 - Filmvorführung "No Straight Lines: The Rise of Queer Comics"

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022
18:30 bis 20 Uhr

Zebra Kino

Veranstaltet von
Zebra Kino Konstanz in Kooperation mit dem RGFD, Zukunftskolleg und HSG Uniqueer

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

"No Straight Lines" tells the story of five scrappy and pioneering cartoonists who depicted everything from the AIDS crisis, coming out, and same-sex marriage, to themes of race, gender, and disability. They tackled the humor in queer lives in a changing world, and the everyday pursuits of love, sex, and community.

Their work is funny, smart, and profound, and provides a unique, uncensored window into LGBTQ lives from the 1970s onward, beginning at a time in which there was no other genuine queer storytelling in popular culture. Equally engaging are their personal journeys, as they, against all odds, helped build a queer comics underground that has been able to grow and evolve in remarkable ways.


This event will be held as part of IDAHOBITA*: International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, Transphobia, Asexualphobia, which is gifted annually on May 17. Please note the lecture by Jacob Bloomfield "Queer History" on May 17 at 17:30 in A701 of the University of Konstanz. We are happy to cooperate with the Zukunftskolleg and the university group Uniqueer as well as the Zebra Kino Konstanz.
