International Office

Job Application Café - Confident self-presentation for job interviews and job fairs

Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024
14 bis 15 Uhr


Veranstaltet von
Career Service, Universität Konstanz

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Eva Maisel, Career Service, Universität Konstanz

Looking for a job can be quite lonely ... You sit alone in front of the PC, create documents, send them and hope for a positive answer. Are you longing for company? Or are you wondering how other job seekers are tackling their applications?

Join our Job Application Café and find out! Meet up with other job seekers, chat about your experiences and exchange ideas – supported by the Career Service.

The Job Application Café takes place every two weeks and you are free to join us regularly, occasionally, or only one time – just as it suits you best.

On June 11, we will talk about From shy to shine: Confident self-presentation for job interviews and job fairs

You do not need to register. Just click here on Tuesdays at 2 pm.

Upcoming dates and topics:

25 June - Unlocking opportunities: Tips and tricks for unsolicited applications
9 July - Know your worth: Strategies for determining your entrance salary

Diese Veranstaltung ist in Profil+ für das Modul „Bewerben“ anrechenbar. Profil+ ist ein studienbegleitendes Angebot, das Dich gezielt für den Berufseinstieg in Dein gewünschtes Berufsfeld vorbereitet. Weitere Informationen: