Focus group interview

As a qualitative instrument for quality assurance, the staff unit quality management offers a focus group interview. A focus group interview is a discussion of a specified topic by a group (here: usually 6-10 people). A focus group interview is requested by a client in cases where the normal evaluation tools produce too little or insignificant response (i.e. in small courses), or if specific parts of the evaluation need to be focused on in greater detail. The client (i.e. in a small course: the lecturer) is not attending the interview.

A moderator of the staff unit quality management conducts the discussion (live or online) using moderation guidelines. Following the discussion, the results will be minuted and depending on the agreement with the client, forwarded to them. The staff unit quality management is taking on the role of an independant spectator in this.

Amount of work: The client sends out the invitations. The evaluation of the summary minutes lies with the client.

Role of QM: Moderation of the meeting as an independant spectator. Drafting of the summary minutes.

Limitations: It is not a classical evaluation executed by the staff unit quality management. Post-processing and interpretation of the results lie with the client.

Practice example:

- Small courses with too little (significant) response of other evaluation tools.

- Concrete question that needs to be focused on.