Giora Hon at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg is warmly welcoming the Senior Fellows Prof. Giora Hon from the University of Haifa who is our guest since 1st July. He has been nominated by our Alumnus Samuel Schindler and will stay until 30th September.

Prof. Giora Hon is a great addition to the Zukunftskolleg. His work is located at the interface between the history of physics and the philosophy of science. He is thus well-versed in and prepared for the interdisciplinary context of the Zukunftskolleg.

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Brian Leahy left the Zukunftskolleg

On July 1st, 2012 Brian Leahy started working in the Linguistics department on the project “The Semantics and Pragmatics of Counterfactual Statements”, in the DFG-funded collaborative research center “What if? On the meaning, epistemology, and scientific relevance of counterfactual claims and thought experiments”. He has been a Postdoctoral fellow of the Zukunftskolleg since August 2010.

The “What if?” research center is an interdisciplinary group comprised of linguists, philosophers, historians…

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Looking for new fellows

EC meeting on 21 June

by Sigrid Elmer

On June 21st 2012 the Executive Committee held its first meeting after the DFG´s important decision on June 15th to support the excellence status of the University of Konstanz until 2017. For the Zukunftskolleg this means that up to five 5-year Research Fellowships, fifteen ZIF Marie Curie 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships and eight ZIF Marie Curie 5-year Research Fellowships can be offered to new fellows. Therefore these calls for application were the EC´s…

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Hegau-Bodensee Seminar/Zukunftskolleg: Wissen – Räume und Vermittlung

In Rahmen der Kooperation des Hegau-Bodensee Seminars mit dem Zukunftskolleg an der Universität Konstanz findet am Dienstag, den 26. Juni 2012 der Workshop "Wissen – Räume und Vermittlung" statt.

Vorträge und Workshops mit:
Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes (Informatiker)
Dr. Julia Jones (Biologin)
Alexander Schellow (Künstler/Filmemacher)
Dr. Zsuzsanna Török (Historikerin)/Dr. Andreas Thum (Biologe)

Die Begrüßung von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rüdiger, Rektor der Universität Konstanz und von Dr. Norina Procopan,…

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Psychology: "Brainwaves: The secret language of the brain?"

On Thursday, June 28, at 18:45 - 19:15, in A 701 Joachim Gross, Senior Fellow of the Zukunftskolleg in Psychology, will be giving a public seminar entitled "Brainwaves: The secret language of the brain?".

"Brain oscillations are a prominent feature of dynamic brain activity. The last decade has seen a large number of studies exploring the functional role of brain oscillations. Systematic modulations of oscillatory amplitude have been shown to relate to many cognitive processes including…

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Zukunftskolleg Summer Event: "How our ancestors control our gene expression"

The Zukunftskolleg is happy to announce a round table discussion titled “How our ancestors control our gene expression” within the framework of Zukunftskolleg Summer Event.

The participants are: Thomas Elbert (Psychology), Helen Gunter (Biology) and Iris-Tatjana Kolassa (Psychology). The discussion will be moderated by Christoph Fehige (Philosophy).

Everyone is welcome to join the event on:

Friday, 29. June 2012 at 5.30 p.m.

at the Studiobühne University of Konstanz.

The round table will be…

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Zukunftskolleg Lecture Summer Term 2012

Every semester a Senior Fellow closely related to and associated with the Zukunftskolleg is honored with the Zukunftskolleg Lecture. The excellent researchers of the Zukunftskolleg present their research work to a broad and various audience. This semester within the framework of the Zukunftskolleg Lecture Senior Fellow Joseph Y. Halpern (Prof. for Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA) will give the following talk:

„Knowledge and common knowledge in multi-agent systems“

21. Juni…

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Valerie Shafer und Joseph Y. Halpern at the Zukunftskolleg

The Zukunftskolleg is warmly welcoming the Senior Fellows Prof. Valerie Shafer and Prof. Joseph Y. Halpern, who are our guests since 3rd June.

Valerie Shafer has been nominated by our Alumna Tanja Rinker and will stay until 26th July. She is dedicating this time period to her project “The relationship between speech-perception and language development in bilingually exposed preschoolers“. We are also happy to announce her workshop „Studies on normal and impaired language acquisition in…

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Philosophy: Monday Monthly Meeting

Everybody is cordially invited to attend the last Monthly Monday Meeting on:

Monday, June 18, 2012, 3-8pm, V 1001

15:00-16:00: Peter Fritz (Oxford): 'Metaphysical Necessity' as a Theoretical Term

16:15-17:15: Joseph Y. Halpern (Cornell/Senior Fellow): Intransitivity and Vagueness

17:30-18:30: Thomas Kroedel (Berlin): Mental Causation for Dualists

18:45-19:45: Timothy Williamson (Oxford): Knowing the Real and Apparent Time

More information is available here.

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Workshop I "Forgetting"

The Workshop I "Forgetting" takes place in cooperation with the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from

10th-13th June 2012 in Konstanz

About the Workshop

The Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz and the Martin Buber Society of Fellows at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, are new interdisciplinary institutions designed to foster outstanding early-career researchers. Since their inception, the two institutions have…

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Fourth Formal Epistemology Festival

The fourth Formal Epistemology Festival funded by the German Research Foundation will take place on June 4-6, 2012 at the University of Konstanz. This event is organized by Rachael Briggs (ANU), Kenny Easwaran (USC), Jonathan Weisberg (Toronto), and the Zukunftskolleg Fellow Franz Huber (Konstanz).

The talks of the Zukunftskolleg members within the framework of the workshop will be given in the room V 1001:

on Monday, June 4, 2012 at 4.30 p.m. by Franz Huber

on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 6 p.m.…

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The Virtual Hadrian’s Villa

The Zukunftskolleg Senior Fellow Bernard D. Frischer, Professor of Art History and Classics at the University of Virginia (USA), will visit the Zukunftskolleg in May again to report on progress of the Virtual Hadrian's Villa Project, which was already in focus of his work during his stay at the Zukunftskolleg from October 2010 to July 2011. Together with a team of specialists Bernard Frischer succeeded in creating a 3D digital model of the archaeological site of Hadrian's Villa along with a…

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Philosophy Beyond Borders

Quantum mechanics is arguably the most puzzling physical theory we have ever had. On the one hand, it makes excellent empirical predictions; on the other, we know that it cannot be the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Trying to understand quantum mechanics while keeping its predictive success has led to alternative formulations of the theory. One of the most suggestive of these, Hugh Everett III’s pure wave mechanics, describes a quantum universe constantly evolving into many parallel,…

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Konstanzer Geistes Slam

On Saturday, the 5th of May, the second „Konstanzer Geistes Slam“ was a great success. For one hour within the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft” five young scientists from varying institutions presented their subjects. Although the well established PowerPoint presentation was a useful help, this event was stamped by the motto: anything goes, as long as it serves a better understanding. The participants had eight minutes time to bring across their message, afterwards presenter Mario Müller („Theater…

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Philosophy Beyond Borders

What are "altruism" and "selfishness" in human action, and do they exclude each other? Which role do they play in economics? What's the point of accusing someone of being "selfish", and is the pleasure of feeling morally superior not "selfish" in its own way?

Let's continue exploring philosophy and its borders in a conversation between Christoph Fehige, Professor of Practical Philosophy at Saarland University in Saarbrücken and Senior Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg, and Urs Fischbacher, Professor…

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Südkurier in talk with Prof. Dr. Giovanni Galizia

Tuesday, 8th of May, 2012

At 8 p.m.

Café Voglhaus, Wessenbergstraße 8

In comfortable ambience of the Café Voglhaus neurobiologist and director of the Zukunftskolleg Prof. Giovanni Galizia will be talking about scents, how contiguous they are to our emotions, and how important they are for the bees. This scientifical diaolog takes place within the framework of the series of events “Angesprochen: Wissenschaft” which is being organized and held by Südkurier, the University of Konstanz, and the…

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Zweiter Konstanzer Geistes Slam

Im Rahmen der „Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften“, die von der Universität Konstanz gemeinsam mit der Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG), der Stadt Konstanz, der Insel Mainau und der Pädagogischen Hochschule Thurgau (PHTG) durchgeführt wird, präsentieren das Zukunftskolleg und die Geisteswissenschaftliche Sektion der Universität Konstanz den Zweiten Konstanzer Geistes Slam.

An dem vom Philosophen und Schauspieler Mario Müller (Theater mit beschränkter Hoffnung)…

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Workshop with Jeffrey A. Barrett: Logic

On Monday, 30th April 2012, another workshop of the Department of Philosophy will take place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in V 1001. All Members of the Zukunftskolleg are invited to join this workshop. Among others Jeffrey A. Barrett will discuss about "Logic".


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Executive Committee Elections

The Zukunftskolleg would like to thank Helen Gunter for her work as an Executive Committee member and would like to greet Martin Bruder, a new Executive Committee member. The elections took place during the first Jour Fixe of the Summer Term 2012 (19.04.2012) with total of 9 candidates. We congratulate Martin Bruder and wish him good luck!

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„Einmal Arbeiterkind, immer Arbeiterkind!? – Wie offen sind deutsche Hochschulen wirklich? “

Dienstag, den 24. April 2012

20 bis 22 Uhr

Kulturzentrum am Münster

(Wolkensteinsaal, Wessenbergstraße 39)


Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Karrierewege in der Wissenschaft“  findet  in Kooperation mit der Konstanzer eine Diskussion zwischen der Autorin von “Ausgebremst: Warum das Recht auf Bildung nicht für alle gilt“ (2011) Katja Urbatsch und ihren Leserinnen und Lesern Eva Blome (Postdoc im Exzellenzcluster/ Literaturwissenschaftlerin), Anne Pajarinen (Career Service…

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"The Physics of Active Colloids" – the series of lectures by Prof. Wilson Poon

Senior fellow of the Zukunftskolleg Wilson Poon will give three two-hour lectures on "The Physics of Active Colloids".

Friday 20th April 2012 at 10:00-11:30, room P712

Thursday, 26th April 2012 at 13:30, room P602

Friday, 27th April 2012 at 10:00, room P712

Wilson is a physicist who has made outstanding contributions to the physics of colloidal dispersions and colloid-polymer mixtures in the past. He has moved on to study bacteria, some work he will discuss in detail in his lectures. He has…

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Philosophy Beyond Borders

Academic philosophy is closely associated with the individual sciences in that as ascience theory, it contributes to the analysis of hypothesis formulation and theory development. Viewed formerly as a universal, today as a basic science, the question arises as to how philosophy can be positioned within the spectrum of university research, and how other disciplines can enter into a fruitful discourse with it. The Zukunftskolleg – a unique, interdisciplinary organization for the promotion of…

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Professor Adam Berg to give a public lecture at the University of Konstanz

Professor Adam Berg will give a lecture titled “What happens to science and art in the age of transcoding?” on 22nd of March 2012 in Y 311 from 11:45 till 13:30 (the abstract is available here).

Professor Berg is an adjunct associate professor in the Liberal Arts and Sciences department at Otis College of Art and Design and also teaches at the School of Critical Studies at the California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts). He studied art at the Academia delle Belle Arti, Rome, Architecture at the…

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Professorship for Franz Huber

Franz Huber, Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg, accepted a tenure-stream position in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, Canada, downtown campus (St. Georg), at the rank of Assistant Professor, starting 1st January 2013. The Zukunftskolleg congratulates Franz Huber on the new position!

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