Science and Reality

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirsch (Konstanz/Exzellenzcluster)

Are spirits real? Notes on the anthropology of spirits possession

It is a major paradigm in anthropology that ethnographers should seek to understand what has been called "the native"s point of view" ­ regardless whether "the native" is an African peasant or a Swiss banker. But how should anthropologists relate to the claim voiced by religious practitioners in many parts of the world that understanding their life-worlds presupposes the acceptance that spiritual entities exist?


Dr. Matteo Morganti (Alumnus of the Zukunftskolleg)

Does science tell us about reality?

It is a widespread idea that science occupies a special place among all human activities because it gives us access to the Truth about the reality we live in. However, it is in fact an open philosophical issue whether this view is justified, i.e., whether so-called "scientific realism" is a compelling position. Indeed, the challenge is to defend scientific realism from a number of forceful "anti-realist" arguments that emerge upon a careful reflection on both the historical development of science and the conceptual features of scientific theories. In particular, there is an interesting question as to whether the theoretical, non-observable entities and processes scientists tell us about truly exist.


Wissenschaft im Visier

Die Vortragsreihe wagt den Blick hinter das Selbstverständnis von Wissenschaft, ihre Methoden und ihre Geschichte: Wie ethisch gehen Wissenschaftler angesichts der Konkurrenz um Publikationserfolge vor? Kann man aus wissenschaftlichem Erfolg schließen, dass die Wahrheit über die Welt erfasst wird? Wie wirkten sich wissenschaftliche Irrtümer auf die Geschichte der Wissenschaft aus?


1 December 2010, 6-8 pm

University of Konstanz, Y 311




Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Wissenschaft im Visier, veranstaltet vom Exzellenzcluster „Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration“ und dem Zukunftskolleg der Universität Konstanz