Jour Fixe: "Evolution on microbial communities: is the enemy of my enemy my friend?"

The Zukunftskolleg invited to the jour fixe everyone led by Ana del Arco.

We invited you to our next (and in the winter semester 2022/23 last) Jour fixe on Tuesday, 7 February 2023.

At the beginning (first 15 min.), Janek Domonell presented to you the Outgoing Centre of the University of Konstanz and informed you about their support.

Afterwards, Ana del Arco (former Associated Fellow / Biology) introduced you to the "Evolution on microbial communities: is the enemy of my enemy my friend?".

Microbes-host association are a defence strategy against pathogen, it is widespread from unicellular organisms to human. Focusing on host-virus interactions and associated microbes interfering virus replication, we find virophages. Virophages are virus-dependent, meaning virophages replication depends on their parasitism on virus virion factory to produce their own virions. Consequently, virus production decrease or is inhibited what leads to a higher survival in host populations. I use a model system consisting of host-virus-virophage (Cafeteria burkhardae-CroV-Mavirus). Little is known about virophage replication and reactivation. This is crucial to understand under which conditions this natural host population protection by the virophage can inhibit virus infection and prevent an epidemy in the host population. My aim is to contribute to fill in this gap of unknown conditions for virophage reactivation and its impact in virus replication and host population survival.