Exhibition on Konstanz’s Colonial Past and Guided Tour at Café Fritz

With this year’s day-trip the Zukunftskolleg offered the fellows two different options.

On 28 September, the fellows had the possibility to visit the exhibition "Fabric. Blood. Gold. On the Traces of Konstanz' Colonial Era" in the Kulturzentrum of Konstanz.

The exhibition about the 16th century colonial period in Konstanz was in line with the Zukunftskolleg’s event series on anti-racism. It was prepared as a cooperation project of the University of Konstanz, the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz (HTWG) and the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern together with the City of Konstanz. Alumna Kirsten Mahlke – as main initiator of the project – has been so kind to offer a guided tour for the fellows.

“Coffee meets Chemistry” was the topic of the second day-trip on 11 October.

After Klaus Boldt’s Jour fixe video presentation on "The Chemistry of Coffee" in June 2021, the fellows were invited to the practical part: a visit at the Café Fritz in Konstanz which offered a guided tour on the different tastes and origins of coffee with the possibility to try some of their fine coffees.

The fellows enjoyed both the cultural and culinary excursion.