Überlingen und Goldbach Tunnel

Friday, 28. June 2024
9:00 - 18:00


International Office

International Office

With the aim of protecting the military equipment production at Lake Constance from attack, around 800 prisoners from the Dachau concentration camp had to blast tunnels out of the rock and transport the rock away within seven months. 234 prisoners did not survive their imprisonment and the working conditions. Today, the tunnel is a memorial to the victims of National Socialism. During a guided tour of the tunnel, we learn how important it is to counter neo-Nazi tendencies and to combat the idea that violence can lead to the solution of social problems.

We travel by boat from Konstanz-Wallhausen to Überlingen and walk to the Goldbach tunnel.

Afterwards there will be time to explore the town of Überlingen individually.

Meeting point: Harbour Konstanz - Wallhausen, access with bus line 4/13

The temperature in the tunnel is a constant 12 degrees Celsius. Please wear warm clothing and sturdy shoes.