European map with a mark at the location of Constance
Constance on an European map

Green Travel

Konstanz is located in the heart of Europe ... there are many opportunities to travel

Environmentally conscious travel has not only become an issue since Fridays-for-Future, slow travel has become an art of traveling, the Swedes even speak of "flight shame" ...

We would like to encourage you to refrain from flights (at least within Europe) - and to appreciate the way to your study abroad abroad as part of the experience. Why not travel within the host country by public transport, plan your weekend-trip without cheap airline-offers. Instead, take your time to travel slowly, more conscious and more sustainable - it's worth it!

At the University of Konstanz, the International Office, together with the Green Office and StuVe Sustainability, has been awarding travel grants for Interrail tickets to Erasmus outgoings since 2017 - be inspired by these travel reports of fellow students  by train, ferry, and even bikes.

The new Erasmus program 2021-2027 offers TopUps for "Green Travel" in the amount of 50 € plus daily allowances (up to 4 days both way travel) and surcharges for staff mobility - information about this  is available during the registration process via our database Mobility Online.

With this page, we want to encourage for alternative travel forms, present reports from Konstanz students and put together helpful links around "sustainable travel".