student receiving assistance
student receiving assistance

Who helps me when... ?

There are many people who can assist you at the University of Konstanz. Here you will find somebody for every topic or concern. We will be glad to assist you!

Services for international students

Advice and support from the International Office

Contact us for advice and support regarding:

  • Admission and enrolment (only for exchange students)
  • Visa and residency law
  • Registration and de-registration with municipality of Konstanz
  • Health care and private liability insurance
  • Opening a bank account
  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Everyday life in Germany, and much more!

Advice and support for international exchange students:
Frank E. Lutzenberger
On-Campus consultaion hours (room A614): Open doors from 9.00-17.00 CET 
(Alternatively: Online consultation hours Zoom)
Book an appointment for online consultation here or
write an e-mail to:


Advice and support for international degree-seeking students:
Amaia Epalza
Alexandra Frasch

You can book an appointment or write an e-mail to:

Tutor - Team

Our tutors are students at the university with international experience. They will assist you with topics related to living and studying in Konstanz, such as

  • Preparing for arrival / picking you up at the train station
  • Enrolment
  • Filling out paperwork
  • Exam registration
  • Accompanying you to meetings with government officials / doctors
  • Helping on issues with the license fee for public broadcast (Rundfunbeitrag)
  • Life in Konstanz

Please click here for more details.

Departmental academic support

Every department has a coordinator who can provide advice and support to international students regarding all academic questions and concerns. Topics such as study organisation, course selection and the learning agreement can be addressed.

Departmental exchange and Erasmus+ coordinators​​​​​​​

Student advisors in all study programmes

Admission requirements, application, admission

International student applications and admission for international applicants, language requirements (international degree-seeking students)

Lora Schlothauer
Phone: +49 7531 88 -2468

Ruth Bürger-Fiedler
Phone: +49 7531 88 -4017

E-mail: interstudis[at]
Office hours: Mon – Fr 10:00 – 12:00, room D 439

International student applications and admission, language requirements (international exchange students)

Petra Nagel

Study orientation, Change of Study Programme

Central Student Advisory Service:

Advising for German and international students on finding out which study programme best fits to you, study requirements and learning techniques

Email: ssz[at]

Seezeit Bodensee Student Services


Email: studentisches.wohnen[at]

Office hours:
Tue, 09:30 – 11:30, room K 304

Social services

Marlies Piper
Room K 316
Phone: +49 7531 - 9782 211, available mornings
Email: sozialberatung[at]
Office hours:
Tue 9:30 - 11:30, K312

Compilation info material

Here you can find a compilation of our digital information material for fairs, visitors or partner universities.

University Konstanz in two minutes

Study between Lake and Alps

Incoming Student Guide