Digitalisation in Teaching and Learning
Digitalisation in Teaching and Learning

International Conference: Digitalisation in Teaching and Learning – Challenges and Best Practices

“We don't just want to deal with and control digitalisation, we want to guide and shape it," says the Baden-Württemberg state government in its recently published digitisation strategy. The future development of communication technologies also advances many new possibilities for university teachers to work with students. 22 - 23 February, 2018

This event aims to provide new insights into the digitalisation of university teaching from different perspectives. The focus here will be on both the possibilities and the challenges of digitally enriched/supported teaching and learning formats for teachers and students.

Invited experts will give impulse lectures on scientific issues related to the digitalisation of teaching as well as presentations on best-practices. Although they will represent national and international (partner) universities that all share a strong focus on digitalisation in university teaching, they are also scholars from relevant educational research areas and media studies. With this event, the University of Konstanz intends to set in motion a drive towards an enhanced and effective digitalisation, one that is characterised by structural diversity in its didactic concepts while taking relevant scientific methods, procedures and theories into consideration.

Conference Programme