
Promovieren an der Universität Konstanz

Willkommen an der Konstanz Research School (KRS)

Die Konstanz Research School (KRS) vereint die unterschiedlichen Promotionsformen an der Universität Konstanz unter einem Dach und garantiert allen Promovierenden hohe Qualitäts- und Betreuungsstandards sowie gleichberechtigten Zugriff auf relevante Serviceangebote – unabhängig von der Promotionsart und dem angestrebten Karriereweg.

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Photo: S. Siroky

Festive Opening of the Konstanz Research School (KRS) on Friday, 22 July 2022

The board and the team of the Konstanz Research School (KRS) and the Doctoral Conventions cordially invite you to celebrate the opening of the KRS together. The KRS unites the variety of doctoral programmes at the University under one roof and guarantees all doctoral researchers high quality standards as well as a wide range of services and support offers for the doctorate.

The Opening will be part of the Dies Academicus and the University Summer Party:

18:00 Konstanz Research School Reception in the university's inner courtyard      

Meet up with us at the KRS booth and join us for a drink! We are looking forward to answering all your questions and to learn about your wishes for your doctorate and about what the University can to support you in the best possible way.

19:00 Summer Party

Welcome Notes and Celebration


Silke Hell

Barbara Stark
