
Literaturpraxis und Digitalität, Seminar im Sommersemester 2021 unter Leitung von Dr. Sonja Schillings

Literary Craftsmanship in the Digital Age

How do digital environments affect the reading and writing of literature?

The seminar “Literary Craftsmanship in the Digital Age” addressed this fairly simple and open question and explored the kind of techniques and technologies writers use to navigate the dynamic publishing environment of the Internet – including the heterogeneous readerships they address.

Seminar topics included the discussion of

1) a range of characteristically “digital” literary forms (various forms of interactive and collaborative fiction, e.g., Instagram poetry and fan fiction),

2) frictions that result from media transfer (e.g., misunderstandings of genre, recontextualizing appropriation of literary classics),

3) the haptic backlash to digital mediation (e.g., Jessica Pressman’s concept of “bookishness”), and

4) trends in academic research and publishing that influence both the conceptualization of readership in general as well as the visibility of literary works as decisive new conditions of literary writing (e.g., the impact of keyword searches or the increase in academic Open Access publishing).

In the seminar, students’ contributions were central. Participating students produced video essays with a self-chosen topic on literature in the digital age. For example, Tereza Picková, Carola Malang, and Maria Jose Fernandez Schütt discussed the idea of what a book actually is in the age of e-books and bookish accessoires; Katja Ebel discussed the bookshelf as a demonstration of sophistication, but even more so as a marker of social privilege; Monika Schlayer discussed the controversy over White translators to Amanda Gorman’s The Hill We Climb, while Leonie Kratzenstein and Elizabeth Whitney analyzed the social media accounts of big publishers; and Sofia Messerle discussed the unexpected misunderstandings when using emojis across countries and services.

Grundlagen Künstlicher Intelligenz und ihre Anwendung in allen Schulfächern (WS 2021/22)

Im Rahmen dieses Seminars sollen die theoretischen Grundlagen von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) allgemeinverständlich und praktisch vermittelt, Anknüpfungspunkte für unterschiedliche Fächer geboten, ethische Problemfelder beleuchtet und Möglichkeiten einer Einbindung von KI in den jeweiligen Fachrichtungen aufgezeigt werden.  Dabei gehen wir in der konkreten Durchführung auf die Fächer der teilnehmenden Studierenden ein, um eine vielfältige und für die Studierenden im Einzelnen relevante Auseinandersetzung mit KI ermöglichen zu können.

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Seminarbeschreibung in ZEuS