Wasen Frühlingsfest Stuttgart

Sunday, 12. May 2024
8:00 - 23:59


Erasmus Student Network

Erasmus Student Network

Dis you miss out on the legendary Oktoberfest in the autumn? Don't worry, you can still enjoy the unforgettable atmosphere of a German beer festival at one of the largest ones this spring in Stuttgart! ESN Konstanz invites you on
a day trip where you'll have the chance to explore the city of Stuttgart in the morning and party and enjoy the beer festival with other international students in the afternoon/evening. They also have reservations for everyone in a beer
tent that includes a traditional meal and one Maß (1 liter of beer!)!

Registration will be online and tickets will be sold in the Uni foyer next to Campus Café. More information will be published on Instagram @esnkonstanz and the website www.konstanz.esn-germany.de/events

Please be aware that registration is only valid after payment (first come first serve).

45€ with ESN-Card / 50€ without ESN-Card

If you don't have an ESNcard yet, you can buy one at the ticket sale for 10€! More information about the benefits can be found here: https://esncard.org
