Work contract and taxes

Working in Germany

Here you will find some general information about working in Germany:

Working in Germany Guide by the Career Service of the University of Konstanz

Work contract

If you are offered a job as an academic staff member or are appointed to a professorship at the University of Konstanz, your department will start the hiring process by contacting the Human Resources Division. You will then receive your contract and a variety of forms to fill out. If you have questions about legal aspects of your employment, you are welcome to contact our Social Security Advisors specialists in Human Resources. Our staff will be happy to assist you with completing the forms. In order to start your job at the University of Konstanz, you will also need certain documents, which you and our tax and social security services staff can put together.

Please note that, if you are a non-EU/EEA citizen, you can only start working in Germany after you get a visa or residence permit allowing you to do so.

At the end of a calendar year, you may have to submit a tax return to the Internal Revenue Office (Finanzamt) responsible for your place of residence. Since the German tax legislation is complicated, you should ask the Finanzamt for advice. In many cases, it has also proven worthwhile to consult a tax adviser. Please note that the tax adviser will charge for this service.

The following provides links to some tax advisors beeing able to advice you in english language. The list does not make any claim to completeness:

For further information on taxes, see EURAXESS Germany.