Publish your research successfully
We offer advice on peer-reviewing, editing and translating your international publication.
Are you working on an English-language article and need support? Would you like to make your research results available to an international audience, but don't know how best to go about it?
English-language publications in reputable journals are central to increasing the international visibility of all researchers. Therefore, we are happy to advise you on publishing scientific articles or books in general as well as on specific topics and questions. This includes, for example, developing a suitable publication strategy, choosing the right journal, increasing the visibility of your publications and ethical aspects of the publication process. Moreover, we provide help in selecting and arranging professional editing and translation services. Please do not hesitate to contact us with these concerns and other questions related to the publication of your research results.
The Publishing Fund is a funding measure from the Excellence Strategy that aims to support researchers in publishing English-language research publications. To this end, professional editing is arranged and funds are provided for the costs incurred. You can find more information on this in the application guidelines; you can apply for funding from the Publishing Fund using the application form. Contact us before submitting your application, we will be happy to help you!
Frequently Asked Questions about the Publishing Fund
Which publications are eligible for funding?
Only English language articles to be published in peer-reviewed journals are eligible for funding. Monographs, book chapters and dissertations are not funded.
Who is eligible for the funding?
The funding is intended for professors and postdoctoral researchers who are integrated into the University of Konstanz through an employment contract. Emeritus researchers can also apply for funding from the Publishing Fund. The prerequisite for this is that the affiliation with the University of Konstanz is clearly evident. Further information can be found in the Publishing Fund's application guidelines.
Can funding be applied for other researchers?
No. An eligible applicant who works at the University of Konstanz can only apply for funding for their own publication. It is also not possible to apply for funding for people at other universities.
What does the professional revision of the manuscript involve?
The submitted text is proofread, i.e. linguistic (grammar, punctuation) and stylistic (choice of words, sentence structure) revisions are made. Formal corrections (citation, formatting of footnotes, etc.) are not part of the editing process. Furthermore, translations are not funded.
Which editing services are funded by the Publishing Fund?
Based on the subject of the manuscript, an editor is selected who offers a suitable service transparently in German-speaking countries. There is already a pool of service providers with whom we have worked successfully in the past.
The decision as to who carries out the proofreading of the submitted manuscript lies with the responsible officer for international publications. It is not possible to submit an invoice for a proofreading service that has already been used at a later date.