The Research Support team is happy to assist you. Each department has a specific contact person. Please do not hesitate, however, to contact somebody else if the person responsible for your department is not available. We fill in for each other.
Availability during the summer time period
Kindly note the different absences of the team members during the summer months (please click on the photos on the webpage "Team" on the left-hand side of the page tree). We fill in for each other so that someone is always available. Nevertheless, we ask for your understanding if there is a delay in answering inquiries during this time.
Contact persons according to departments and topics
Faculty of Sciences
Dept 1: Mathematics and Statistics -> Dr Melanie Behrens
Dept 2: Computer and Information Science -> Annett Giebelhausen
Dept 3: Physics -> Dr Melanie Behrens
Dept 4: Chemistry -> Dr Melanie Behrens
Dept 5: Biology -> Dr Katrin Isabel Schmitt
Dept 6: Psychology -> Dr Nicole-Kerstin Baur
Faculty of Humanities
Dept 7: Philosophy -> Annett Giebelhausen
Dept 8: History -> Dr Nicole-Kerstin Baur
Dept 8: Sociology -> Dr Nicole-Kerstin Baur
Dept 8: Empirical Educational Research -> Annett Giebelhausen
Dept 8: Sport Science -> Annett Giebelhausen
Dept 9: Literature, Art and Media Studies -> Dr. Katrin Isabel Schmitt
Dept 10: Linguistics -> Annett Giebelhausen
Faculty of Politics, Law and Economics
Dept 11: Law -> Dr Katrin Isabel Schmitt
Dept 12: Economics -> Dr Melanie Behrens
Dept 13: Politics and Public Administration -> Dr Nicole-Kerstin Baur
Programmes with internal pre-selection
Elite Programme for Postdoctoral Researchers (Baden-Wuerttemberg Foundation) -> Dr Katrin Isabel Schmitt
Carl-Zeiss Foundation – project funding, mostly in the natural and life sciences (the funding line for early career researchers was discontinued with the 2017 call) -> Annett Giebelhausen
The EU Officer of the University of Konstanz is Dr Anja Eisenbeiss. All team members are available for advice and support concerning European funding.
We provide advice and support for projects within Erasmus+ Key Actions 2 and 3 in collaboration with Dr Kristin Dallinger (International Office).
Newsletter "Forschungsnachrichten"
Do you have feedback concerning our newsletter, the “Forschungsnachrichten”? Please let us know via
Research Ethics
For support on questions related to research ethics and ethical aspects in research projects please contact Danica Kümmel.