Human resources matters for managers: From hiring to termination

1. Hiring and salary brackets

Only Human Resources has the authority to hire new staff and assign them a corresponding salary bracket. Retroactive employment as well as starting / continuing to work (in case of contract extensions) without an employment contract is not permitted. Any violation of this policy that results in disadvantages for the University of Konstanz under labour law may lead to claims (e.g. for damages) against the individual responsible.

The Staff Council must be involved in the hiring of academic support staff and in the hiring of academic staff in permanent positions (§ 75 Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz LPVG (state staff representation act)). Requests for such hirings must therefore be submitted to Human Resources in good time so that the Staff Council procedure can be carried out before the planned hiring date. We recommended that you submit a hiring request at least six weeks before the planned hiring date, as the Staff Council has the right to give its consent within a period of three weeks. If requests are submitted too late, the proposed starting date cannot be guaranteed. In this case, the hiring date will be delayed.

Employees may only be assigned tasks that correspond to their salary bracket. Higher-level tasks may only be assigned if this is in line with staff and budgetary requirements. Human Resources is responsible for determining whether this is the case.

2. Advertising job vacancies and posting job advertisements

Human Resources is exclusively responsible for placing job advertisements in newspapers and journals and online portals. Please send Human Resources the job advertisement copy and the application deadline and indicate where the job vacancy is to be published. The university will not pay for job advertisements that you place yourself. The costs are charged to the university unit advertising the position.

If academic positions or graduate student assistant positions are not advertised in newspapers or journals or on online portals, they must be advertised internally at the university by the corresponding unit (i.e. not by Human Resources) and posted on this unit's notice board (e.g. in the department, research unit). The application deadline or display period on the notice board is approximately 14 days.

Positions for undergraduate student assistants should be announced internally within the respective university unit (department, etc.). They do not have to be advertised university-wide. The provisions of the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) must be observed in internal university job advertisements and announcements. If the employment or contract period is less than two months, the internal job vacancy announcement requirement may be waived.

Human Resources is required to reject all hiring requests (with the above-mentioned exceptions) that do not confirm that the vacancy has at least been advertised internally within the university.

3. Contracts

Employment and service contracts are concluded exclusively by the Human Resources Division. Contracts to produce a work, purchasing contracts, leasing and rental contracts (for movable goods) are concluded by the Finance and Controlling Division.

4. Dismissal of staff members

Legally effective notices of dismissal can only be issued by Human Resources. If an employee is to be dismissed, a written record must be made of any discussions held with the respective individual. Human Resources must be informed of the circumstances immediately.

5. Letters of reference and employment references

Letters of reference and employment references are written and signed by the respective supervisor upon request. In doing so, please be sure to observe the relevant guidance from Human Resources. If requested, Human Resources can check the contract details.

Please also submit a copy of the letter of reference to Human Resources to be included in the staff member's file. Within the university administration, the letter of reference is signed by the director of Human Resources as well as the head of the corresponding university unit.