Tailor-made equal opportunities activities

13 departments and 13 organisational cultures require a customised approach

The university's sections and departments have different subject cultures and offer specific framework conditions for subject-related research and teaching. In their daily work, the departments have been doing a lot of reading with regard to equality and diversity for a long time. They work hard to ensure that our university is characterised by a climate of inclusion and is an open, appreciative place to work. In order to make this work more visible and to encourage networking and mutual learning, the contact persons for equality and diversity in the 13 departments took office on 1 April 2023. They were appointed by the department and are professorial.

The following persons are currently active as contact persons for equality and diversity:

  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Prof. Salma Kuhlmann
  • Department of Computer and Information Science: Prof. Sabine Storandt
  • Department of Physics: Prof. Sebastian Gönnenwein
  • Department of Chemistry: Prof. Andreas Zumbusch
  • Department of Biology: Prof. Lutz Becks
  • Department of Psychology: Prof. Andrea Hartmann Firnkorn
  • History/Sociology/Emp. Educational Research/Sports Science: Prof. Gabriela Signori
  • Department of Philosophy: Prof. Thomas Müller
  • Department of Linguistics: Prof. Maribel Romero
  • Department of LKM: Prof. Anne Kraume
  • Department of Economics: Prof. Christina Felfe de Ormeno
  • Law Department: Prof. Liane Wörner
  • Department of Political and Administrative Science: Prof. Christian Breunig

Projects in the departments 2020-2022

Mathematics and Natural Sciences Section

In the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Section, the Section's appointment procedures were examined and best practices for actively recruiting female scientists were collected.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

In the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the information and discussion platform Konstanz Women in Mathematics  was implemented. Here, internationally renowned female scientists present their projects. The initiative facilitates an exchange between female mathematicians and a connection to cross-university networks.


In the Department of Computer and Information Science, gender equality and diversity issues have been structurally integrated into the department and the recruitment of students. Here you can find more information about the department's measures.

Department of Law

In the Department of Law, the Jutta Limbach (JuLi) mentoring programme for young female academics was established, and the lecture series "Juristinnen in der Praxis" (Women Lawyers in Practice) was held in order to network women law students in Konstanz.


In the Department of Business and Economics, the subject-specific student counselling and the subject mentor programme for international students were designed to be diversity-friendly. In addition, the focus was on strengthening diversity sensitivity and awareness in the department as well as on further qualifying the diversity competence of the counselling staff in the department's administration.

Department of Politics and Administration

In the Department of Political and Administrative Science, roundtable events and women-of-the-department meetings were implemented to stimulate an exchange among female academics and to address academic career development. The offers are presented on a website: www.polver.uni-konstanz.de/service/gleichstellung-und-diversity/.