Public Lecture: Varieties of Academic Labour Markets in Europe

Zukunftskolleg and Academic Staff Development jointly invite to a public lecture on academic job markets in Europe. Alexandre Afonso is assistant professor at the University of Leiden. In his research he deals we differences in labour market entry barriers and fixed-term versus permanent working contracts across different European countries.

The lecture will close with a small reception and information on support measures for junior researchers at the University of Konstanz.


36. Regionales Wissenschaftsforum

"Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft an der Universität Konstanz" am 9.11.2018 in Donaueschingen mit Festvortrag von Prof. Dr. Christian Picker zum Thema "Niedriglohn und Mindestlohn" und anschließender Verleihung des 7.  „Tina-Ulmer-Lehrpreises an der Universität Konstanz“ an Prof. Picker.

Weitere Informationen hier.
