Vorlesungssaal im A-Gebäude
Vorlesungssaal im A-Gebäude

Which rooms are available at the University of Konstanz?

Would you like to use the University of Konstanz as the location for your event? Here is a brief overview of what you need to know.

Available rooms

The table of room rental fees (available in the download box after login) provides an overview of the available rooms, maximum seating, size, rental fees as well as the availability of beamers and WLAN (Wi-Fi). Rental fees are due only in cases where university space is to be used by external, for-profit parties. Please contact Facility Management for further information.

Overview of popular rooms for events

Due to the renovation of building A from April 2023 to October 2024, the Audimax and other rooms in this building as well as the foyer A5/A6 will not be available. These are marked with *.

701 seats *

Building A, room A600 / Audimax

Extras: modern audio-visual equipment, ability to broadcast events into the neighbouring lecture halls and the foyer.

240 seats

Building R, rooms R711 and R712

170 seats

Building R, rooms R513 and R611

190 seats *

Building A, room A701

130 seats *

Building A, room A703

95 seats *

Building A, room A704

90 seats *

Building A, room A702

50 seats

Building Y, room Y311


Please reserve the necessary rooms for your event as early as possible, preferably during the semester break. Contact room reservation to make your reservations. If you would like to reserve the Senatsaal V 1001 with view of the lake, please contact the rector’s office.


Additional costs are only levied for external exhibitions and events, but not, however, for internal ones.


See the table of room rental fees (available in the download box after login)

Conference and poster exhibitions

Information about conference and poster exhibitions on university premises.