Vorlesungssaal im A-Gebäude
Vorlesungssaal im A-Gebäude

Notes on safety regulations at the University of Konstanz


Safety is our highest priority and must be ensured at each event. This means that fire safety mechanisms, emergency exits, etc. need to be in place. It is the responsibility of event organisers and staff to find out beforehand how to respond in case of emergency. Please also see our Notes on using lecture halls and seminar rooms.

If your event is large enough to exceed regular university operations, special organisational and safety provisions must be put into place. For meeting places in multiple rooms seating more than 200 each (or that seat more than 200 people in total, if they share the same emergency escape routes), the Versammlungsstättenverordnung (VStättVO) (ordinance for places of assembly) applies.

Please contact the University of Konstanz’s safety engineer with your questions about event safety. You must talk to him beforehand, if you are planning activities in university corridors, foyers and buildings (e.g. conference exhibitions).

If your event is larger than usual, please also inform the university’s in-house paramedics. In case of evening and party events, please also inform the in-house fire brigade (Brandwache).

Approval for more complex events

If your event is large enough to exceed regular university operations, special organisational and safety provisions must be put into place. If you are expecting more than 200 guests, please consult with Mr Neth from room reservations to find out if you need to apply for event approval.

As a rule, you must submit an application as well as a room / set-up plan for any (large) event(s) you are planning to hold in auditoriums, corridors etc.