How can I protect myself against attacks?

This is true for both men and women:

  • Pay attention to your surroundings when leaving an event, bar or club.
  • If you’re suspicious, go back and get support.
  • Make arrangements for your way home: Use the meeting point in the university foyer, arrange to meet friends or take a taxi.
  • Avoid confrontations - it’s a form of self-defence!
  • To be able to react quickly when attacked, prepare yourself mentally: self-assertion and defensive techniques can be learned. Take part in our self-defence courses.
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended and do not accept bottles or drinks that were not opened/prepared in front of you. Knockout drops that are clear and tasteless are growing more widespread.
  • Consider buying a technical aid (e.g. a pocket alarm device).

According to the statistics, 90% of offenders turn out to be family members, friends or acquaintances rather than complete strangers. Dangerous situations are especially likely to develop after parties. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and impairs your capacity to act!

I’d rather be a coward for five minutes than spend the rest of my life dead.

(Quote from a 10th- grader)