Our new in-house physician introduces herself

Dr Birgit Martens introduces herself in a personal letter to all staff and students.

Dear staff members, dear students

On 1 April 2023, I started my job as the university's in-house physician. I am available four days a week. As explained in one of the last newsletters, I would like to continue the work of my predecessor and use the existing patient files. When you come to see me for the first time, we will discuss this matter and you can give your consent.

My primary task is to advise all staff members and students on occupational health issues and potential health hazards in the workplace. For example, I will offer regular occupational health screenings and inspect the different departments. You are also welcome to contact me with individual questions and problems in the workplace, e.g. options in case of chronic illnesses, reintegration after a long illness, addiction, mobbing and other psychosocial issues.

You can make an appointment via email to assistenz-betriebsarzt@uni-konstanz.de. We have also compiled a lot of information for you on our webpages www.uni-konstanz.de/agu.

Kind regards

Dr Birgit Martens