Schülerstudium – what exactly does it mean?

The Schülerstudium is an educational programme aimed at particularly gifted or interested pupils who have a passion for learning and the energy to take on additional courses. This kind of programme is made possible by and provided for in § 64 para. 2 Landeshochschulgesetz for Baden-Württemberg (state law on higher education).

If you participate in the programme, you will attend regular courses, including lectures, seminars and practice tutorials, and take the required examinations voluntarily. You can do all of this before obtaining your Abitur (German general higher education entrance qualification).

However, we will not enrol you at university. We consider you to be a pupil first and foremost, which means that school always comes first! Your primary objective should be to pass your Abitur. This is why your school must give you permission to take part in the programme. Your school will release you from attending classes so that you may take your courses at university. In return, you will be responsible for catching up on your school lessons by yourself and for maintaining your level of achievement.

Any records of academic achievement that you earn during your Schülerstudium will count towards your studies later on, as long as they are equivalent.

Who can take part?

Pupils currently studying at a German Gymnasium or a Swiss Kantonsschule who

  • are passionate about one of the subjects on offer
  • want to test themselves by accepting the challenge of balancing school and university study
  • have an excellent academic record
  • apply within the prescribed registration period and submit the required documentation (there is a lot you will need to think about, please consult our information on pre-requisites )

There are no requirements as to age or current grade.

How do I proceed?

  1. Informing at the university – make an appointment with the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) (indicate which school and class level you come from and which subjects you are interested in) – see box in the top right-hand site.
  2. Arrange an appointment with the specialist advisor at the university (possibly together with No. 1).
  3. Select lectures, seminars, etc. and compare them with the school timetable.
  4. Have your participation approved by the school management (sometimes this is the very beginning).
  5. Hand in what is necessary for the registration (in German).