PocketGuide – How, where, what?

What is a PocketGuide? And how can prospective students benefit from it? Find the answers here.

New, fresh and dynamic – The PocketGuide is a modern and specially designed online tool for the University of Konstanz with which prospective students can learn more about studying in Konstanz.

Its sleek format was designed for users working on either their computer or mobile device. It offers prospective students a variety of information and quiz formats, thereby introducing them to our university’s study programmes and providing opportunities to learn more about their own competencies and expectations.

A multimedia and interactive experience

The PocketGuide is all about helping prospective students make the best study decisions for themselves. By integrating media, information texts and interactive elements in a mobile format, this online tool allows its users to develop realistic expectations regarding their potential field of study and to find out whether the University of Konstanz is the right place for them. 

Select the modular content that suits your preferences

The modular design of the PocketGuide is its special feature. Depending on the communication needs associated with the study subject, different modules can be integrated into your specific design. Up to six modules combining multimedia and interactive elements guide students through all aspects of selecting their study programme:

  • Module 1: Welcome to the study programme (What can I expect when studying this subject?)
  • Module 2: The study subject at the University of Konstanz (special features, subject specifics)
  • Module 3: What exactly will my studies consist of? (actual content and competency tests)
  • Module 4: Paths towards a career (specific career development opportunities, alumni reports)
  • Module 5: Application (pre-requisites and procedure)
  • Module 6: Beginning my studies (specific information for new students and how they can prepare for their studies)

Designate priorities according to the selected study subject

Set priorities! The PocketGuide allows you to both call attention to the challenges that students might experience and explain why it is worth mastering them. Would you like to be able to clearly and concisely explain specific options, course-related programmes or unique features of studying in Konstanz? The PocketGuide provides you the tools to communicate such topics in an intelligible yet playful way.

In short: four good reasons for the PocketGuide!

  • young, fresh and dynamic: mobile and easy to integrate into everyday life
  • multimedia and interactive: integration of media, information texts and interactive elements
  • subject-specific: individual presentation through modular content
  • easy creation: Existing content is integrated directly into the PocketGuide