The 5-year-plan of the University towards equal opportunities

Gender Equality Plan with Equality and Diversity Concept

The Gender Equality Plan is the university's 5-year plan that outlines gender equality goals, strategies and activities. The University of Konstanz has expanded the plan, which runs from 2024 to 2028, to include an gender equality and diversity concept. This evaluates the achievement of objectives in the previous planning phase, explains the objectives of the university and the departments, and outlines the strategies and measures for gender equality and diversity. At the end, the structures responsible for gender equality and diversity at the university are outlined. The Gender Equality Plan was approved by the Equal Opportunities Council, the Senate and the University Council and submitted to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Struktur- und Entwicklungsplan. The Ministry's approval is still pending.

"Gleichstellungszukunftskonzept" (Gender Equality Concept for the Future)

In 2018, the Senate also adopted a "Gleichstellungszukunftskonzept", which was developed as part of the successful application for the federal and state "Professorinnenprogramm" (women professors program). It contains a situation and deficit analysis of the participation of women academics and the gender equality measures implemented to date, targets up to 2025, future priorities for measures and principles for implementing the concept. The concept can be viewed in the blue box on the right after logging in (only in German). The concept is expected to be renewed in 2024.

Gender Equality Targets

Gender equality targets for the proportion of women have been developed for all academic career levels up to 2028. The targets were set in a coordination process between the 13 departments, the Rectorate and gender equality stakeholders. It is based on the analysis of previous developments, the cascade model and in accordance with the state and nationwide comparative figures as well as the vacant positions and professorships. The following equality targets have been set for the university for academic career levels as well as for bodies and committees until 2028:

Gender equality targets for all academic career levels (percentage of women by 2028)

Permanent Professorships (W3/2, C4/3)                                                                                      

37 %

Junior professorships (W1)


          including W1 with tenure track


Early career research group leaders


Post-doctoral researchers


Doctoral researchers


Gender equality targets for university bodies and committees: 

By 2028 the percentage of women in university bodies and committees should reach 40 %.


Equal opportunities targets have been set for all academic career levels in our 13 departments. For an overview of these targets, please log in using the “My University” button in the top right corner. In the blue box on the right you will then find the pdf "Gleichstellungsziele der Fachbereiche", listing current and target figures for each department.

 Current percentage of women

The Controlling Data Portal provides University members with detailed data on students, staff in positions and professorships as well as degrees. The number of women and the proportion of women are an integral part of the reports.