Family-friendly leadership

Enabling the reconciliation of academia and family tasks in daily worklife

A successful reconciliation of an academic career and family tasks relies on all involved parties. It implies not only to know the frame conditions but also that both employee and supervisor are willing to actively shape them. The university supports group leaders in this regard via information, advice and moderation service.

Family-friendly leadership

Professors, working group leaders, heads of departments and all other supervisors or managers have a special responsibility to take family and health concerns into consideration when managing their staff members. In this way, these leaders take on a role model function and facilitate a potential multiplier effect.

The university provides a brief flyer to illustrate the main issues for family-friendly and health-conscious leadership.

Guideline "Agreement on compatibility"

Your staff member is pregnant? Somebody of your work group will go on parental leave and you have to assign tasks newly? The guideline „Agreement on compatibility" assists you to have a conversation to clarify all relevant issues and find solutions that are satisfying for all parties (visible after login).

Advice can be called up at any time from the Office for Equal Opportunities, Family Affairs and Diversity, for example for moderation purposes.

Family-friendly personell policy

The work group »Familienbewusste Führung« of the Best Practice-Club »Familie in der Hochschule« provides a  brochure  that shows concrete best practices for four fields of actions. The University of Konstanz is a member of this work group.