Maren Rühmann
Head of ASD
Phone: +49 7531 88-2777Room: V617
Post office box: 206
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Responsibility for the areas of personnel development, promotion of early career researchers, teaching development
Welcome program "Professorship at the Lake" and contact person for (newly appointed) professors
Team staff development and the advancement of early career researchers
Dr. Julia Breitbach-Brunner
Event Coordinator Staff Development and Promotion of Junior Researchers
Phone: +49 7531 88-2046Room: V 614
Post office box: 227
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Literary scholar. Main focus:
- coordination of the event and course programme
- event and course programme content
- quality management and public relations in this area
Silke Hell
Staff Development and Promotion of Doctoral Researchers
Phone: +49 7531 88-4987Room: V610
Post office box: 227
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Diplom psychologist, systemic coach, moderator, extensive professional experience in staff and career development, lectures and writes on career development.
Main focus:
- head of the Konstanz Research School
- coaching for doctoral researcher on doctoral studies and career development
- structural and process coaching on promotion of young researchers/personal development for doctoral studies
Mirjam Müller
Staff Development and Promotion of Post-Doctoral Researchers
Phone: +49 7531 88-5323Room: V 613
Post office box: 227
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Historian, systemic coach. Long-standing professional experience in the promotion of early career academics and human resources development. Coaches and writes on the topic of research careers. Member of the Coachingnetz Wissenschaft (coaching in science network).
Main areas of work:
- coaching for postdocs, junior professors and junior research group leaders on academic careers
- coaching on applications for professorships
- project manager Tenure-Track-Programme
- advice on processes and structures relating to human resources development and the promotion of early career researchers
Melanie Moosbuchner
Staff Development and Promotion of Researchers in the field of Alternative Career Path
Phone: +49 7531 88 5227Room: V614
Post office box: 227
Write an e-mailBarbara Stark
Staff Development and Promotion of Doctoral Researchers
Phone: +49 7531 88-4186Room: V610
Post office box: 227
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Main focus:
- operational coordination at the KRS managing office
- advice for potential doctoral researchers and doctoral researchers in the initial phase of their doctorate
Franziska Spanner
Staff Development and Promotion of Post-Doctoral Researchers
Phone: +49 7531 88-4385Room: V610
Post office box: 227
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on parental leave
Dr. rer. nat. Denise Dietrich
Project Manager Projects Postdoc Phase
Phone: +49 7531 88-4385Room: V608
Post office box: 227
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Biochemist. Several years of professional experience as a project manager in business.
Main area of work:
- Project management for projects on career development of postdocs, including Postdoc-Week, concept "Attractive and reliable career paths for excellent researchers".
Team university didactics and digitalisation in teaching
Theda Brokamp
Educational Development and Staff Development in the area of Instructional Design
Phone: +49 7531 88-5303Room: V612
Post office box: 227
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Physicist. Experienced in educational film production as well as various tools for digital teaching.
Main focus:
- design of digital examination formats
- instructional design for digital teaching in the natural sciences
- Consulting in the development, planning and implementation of e-learning scenarios
Dr. Susanne Brüggen
Educational Development and Staff Development in the area of University Didactics
Phone: +49 7531 88-5362Room: V 612
Post office box: 227
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Please email me to arrange an appointment.
Diplom sociologist, extensive experience teaching at the university level in Germany and abroad, participation in various research projects on education-related topics (e.g. portfolios, inclusion).
Main focus:
- consulting for the Baden-Württemberg certificate for university didactics
- general consulting for university didactics
- university didactics office Konstanz at the university didactics centre Baden-Württemberg
- tutor qualifications
Alexander Klein
Educational Development and Staff Development in the area of Instructional Design
Phone: +49 7531 88-4944Room: V608
Post office box: 227
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Media educator, Arabist and philosopher. Many years of experience in the design of media-based and interactive learning content in various fields of application.
Main focus:
- Instructional Design for digitally supported learning scenarios in the humanities and social sciences
- consulting in the conception and implementation of e-learning formats and virtual learning spaces
- Project support
- University Network Digitisation of Teaching BW
Anke Waldau-Emmert
Teaching Development and Personnel Development in the field of University Didactics
Phone: +49 7531 88-5322Room: V 607
Post office box: 227
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Linguist and literary scholar, change manager. responsible for the further development of teaching structures.
Main focus:
- adivising researchers involved in an appointments process on the topic of teaching
- providing advice on structural and process aspects of teaching
- employing new media in teaching
- participating in the Hochschulnetzwerk Digitalisierung der Lehre BW (state university network on the digitalisation of teaching)
- public relations tasks
- director of the Arbeitsstelle Hochschuldidaktik Konstanz im Hochschuldidaktikzentrum Baden-Württemberg (specialising in university didactics)
Service Desk PhD
Claudia Orsinger M.A.
Service Desk PhD
Phone: +49 7531 88-3209Room: V610 / V614
Post office box: 227
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Main areas of work:
- Support Service Desk PhD
- Contact Person Doctoral Fund
- Online Editing and Public Relations
Event management and administration
Renate Hug
Event and Financial Management ASD
Phone: +49 7531 88-4329Room: V 611
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Main focus:
- assistant to the director
- event management
- organisational aspects of the events programme
- course registration and organisation
- budget and reimbursements
Alexandra Eggert
Administration Academic Staff Development
Phone: +49 7531 88-3506Room: V 611
Post office box: 227
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Main focus:
- general administrative tasks
- big events
- management of the Baden-Württemberg-Certificate for university didactics
- preparation of participant statistics