Public Lecture: Varieties of Academic Labour Markets in Europe

Zukunftskolleg and Academic Staff Development jointly invite to a public lecture on academic job markets in Europe. Alexandre Afonso is assistant professor at the University of Leiden. In his research he deals we differences in labour market entry barriers and fixed-term versus permanent working contracts across different European countries. The lecture will close with a small reception and information on support measures for junior researchers at the University of Konstanz.

Donnerstag, 08. November 2018
15.15 – 16.45 Uhr

A 703

Zukunftskolleg and Academic Staff Development

Dr. Alexandre Afonso - Assistant Professor - Leiden University - Institute of Public Administration


This talk provides a comparative overview of academic labor markets in Europe, paying particular attention to the market for political scientists. After outlining some structural developments, it reviews the organization of academic labor markets in a number of countries by using a typology based on two dimensions. First, it differentiates between countries where access for outsiders is constrained by formal and informal barriers to entry. Second, it differentiates between countries where permanent contracts are available to recent PhD graduates, and those where permanent positions are confined to the top of the academic hierarchy, and where the bulk of the academic workforce is on fixed-term contracts. The increasing segmentation of academic jobs markets (between permanent and fixed-term contracts) is emphasized as an overarching trend across countries.

The talk is part of the series of events at the Zukunftskolleg on selective internationality that started earlier this year and will resume with an international expert workshop in cooperation with the International Office on 16 November 2018.

Please register by 5 November to