Workshops und Schulungen

Your Sciencepreneurship Career

Thursday, 20. April 2023
9:00 - 17:00

Stuttgart, [frei]raum

Kilometer1 + Young Entreprenuers in Science + University of Stuttgart & Hohenheim + Hochschule Esslingen

Young Entrepreneurs in Science

This event is part of an event series „YES-Workshop“.

Kilometer1, the joint startup initiative of both universities in Konstaz, invites doctoral researchers and postdocs from all disciplines, who enjoy thinking `outside the box´, to this upcoming workshop!

Participants will learn about entrepreneurship as an alternative career path. Important innovator’s skills will be introduced and stereotypes about entrepreneurs will be broken up. Participants will have the chance to reflect on their personal skill set and to discover their strengths within the interdisciplinary group. Furthermore, participants will think about the potential of their own entrepreneurial journey. For any open questions and as a source for inspiration two role models will come to talk about their founding story.

The workshop is free of charge and no prior knowledge is necessary. Travelling costs can partly be refunded. The workshop can be credited towards the ASD certificate Leadership, Management, Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer Certificate in modules III or IV (8 units).

Registration possible until 12.04.2023 (see below).