Exhibition Herds & Hovering

Friday, 2. December 2022
12:00 - 16:00

A5 Foyer of the University of Konstanz

CASCB / Merz Akademie

Blair Costelloe and students of the Merz Akademie

We kindly invite you to swing by the exhibition Herds & Hovering in the foyer of the University of Konstanz, A5, Friday, 2 December, 12-16.

The Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior collaborated with the Merz Akademie on their second sci-art project. Nine students developed artistic approaches for the design of knowledge spaces within the field of animal behaviour science based on the Herd Hover project. by Blair Costelloe.

While the visualization of (scientific) data and information has become a well-developed part of any graphic and media designer’s repertoire, the design of a comprehensible documentation and representation of a whole field of knowledge is often the result of individual and complex standalone solutions.

Further information

Herds & Hovering