University closure at the turn of the year 2017/2018

The university’s rectorate and staff council have agreed upon a general university closure effective 18:00 on 23 December 2017 through 9:00 on 2 January 2018. During that period, also the library will be closed.

Access to the university is very limited during the general university closure.

Staff who need access to the university for operational reasons can enter at the i-Point. At the entrance, you will need to check in by entering your name into a list and stating when you plan to leave the building. You will also need to check out when you leave.

30 minutes after your planned leaving time, security staff will start looking for anyone who has not left the university premises as planned (personal protection).

We recommend taking a mobile phone along, so you can summon help quickly if needed. Please observe all accident prevention regulations. In particular, you are not permitted to work alone in the laboratory area.

Enter via building A to access any building on campus.

Staff who encounter a security guard and cannot present an access permit, will be requested to leave the building immediately. Personal details will be noted.

More information: