In a new study with participation of the University of Konstanz, scientists from around the world warn that the threats posed by invasive alien species are increasing. They say that urgent action is required in order to prevent, detect, and control invaders at both local and global levels.
A new study by Konstanz biologist Dr Sonja Wild demonstrates for the first time that dolphins can learn foraging techniques outside the mother-calf bond. Read the article in our online magazine
A potential starting point for high-precision sensor technology: Scientists at the Department of Physics at the University of Konstanz have developed a completely new method of measuring squeezing. Read the article in our online magazine
An international team of researchers led by University of Konstanz ecologist Mark van Kleunen has compiled a global overview of the naturalization success of economic plants, showing that economic use in general, as well as the number and nature of economic uses, are crucial to their establishment in the wild.
A research network with participation of the Konstanz Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the University of Konstanz is investigating the impacts of the coronavirus lockdown on wildlife
Das Coronavirus zwang die öffentliche Verwaltung zu einer Digitalisierung aus dem Stegreif heraus. Wie gut ist ihr das gelungen? Die Konstanzer Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Ines Mergel schildert im Interview im Online-Magazin der Universität Konstanz, welche Kompetenzen nun besonders gefordert sind und was entscheidend ist, um den Digitalisierungsschub in die Zeit nach der Krise zu übertragen.
Study on the role of artificial intelligence in basic research – Volkswagen Foundation research grant for philosopher Professor Thomas Müller (University of Konstanz) and physicist Professor Hans Briegel (University of Innsbruck)