Information about the election and how to participate

Election 2024

From 10 to 13 June, the election of the academic committees and student representatives 2024 at the University of Konstanz will take place as an online election.

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Helmholtz Prize awarded to Konstanz physicists

Peter Baum's research team (University of Konstanz) was awarded the Helmholtz Prize for Fundamental Research for the development of an innovative attosecond microscopy technique – award ceremony on 28 August 2024 in Hamburg.

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Tracking animals without markers

Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour developed a computer vision framework for posture estimation and identity tracking which they can use in indoor environments as well as in the wild. They have thus taken an important step towards markerless tracking of animals in the wild using computer vision and machine learning.

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Two meerkats. One seems to speek into the ear of the other one.

Meerkat chit-chat

Konstanz researchers unravel the vocal interactions of meerkat groups and show they use two different types of interactions to stay in touch.

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Swiss-German culture of academic collaboration on a firm foundation: Perspectives from the conference "Z’sämme | Zusammen!" hosted by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.

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