ERC Consolidator Grant for Konstanz chemist

The European Research Council awards a Consolidator Grant to Professor Tanja Gaich from the University of Konstanz for a project on the synthesis of highly complex molecules from the taxane family through structural deconvolution. Funding is provided for the further development and testing of a new strategy for the synthesis of natural substances that could not previously be produced in the laboratory.

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New rector elected

Political scientist Professor Katharina Holzinger was elected in a joint meeting of the Senate and University Council

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How to reduce personnel turnover

Long-term experiment involving organisational economist Nick Zubanov from the University of Konstanz conducted in cooperation with a retail company based in Eastern Europe reveals that middle managers can help reduce personnel turnover by up to 25 percent by spending more time with employees.

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Shining a light on nanoscale dynamics

Watching metamaterials at work in real time using ultrafast electron diffraction: a research team led by University of Konstanz physicist Peter Baum succeeds in using ultrashort electron pulses to measure light-matter interactions in nanophotonic materials and metamaterials.

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Between ambivalence and confidence

The University of Konstanz and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) completed their first national survey of university students on the online summer semester 2020. The results indicate that the rapid transition to online teaching is generally viewed by students as a success. There is, however, still room for improvement.

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