Aerial view of the University of Konstanz with a view of the construction site for Building X
Image: University of Konstanz, Frank Nachtwey

University of Konstanz Senate: against anti-Semitism and discrimination

The University of Konstanz strongly opposes every form of discrimination.

In response to the incidents on 26 March 2024 at the university campus, the University of Konstanz Senate adopted the following declaration in its meeting on 8 May 2024:

"There is no room for discrimination of any kind at the University of Konstanz. It is alarming that these recent events at our university mean we have to restate this obvious fact so clearly: Jewish life on campus must not be in danger. Our university must provide Jewish researchers, teachers, staff and students an environment where they can feel safe and welcome. As the representative body for all members of the university, the Senate shares this conviction with the university's two other central organs, the Rectorate and the University Council. This is why the Senate fully supports the Rectorate's resolute action to stop any form of anti-Semitism and discrimination at our university".

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