In “EUCLID” survey, master’s students led by health psychologist Professor Britta Renner in the university’s Department of Psychology will examine the general population’s behaviour and assessments regarding the novel coronavirus. Image: University of Konstanz

Online survey about the coronavirus begins

Master’s students, led by health psychologist Professor Britta Renner, in the Department of Psychology open online survey on the general population’s behaviour and assessments regarding the novel coronavirus.

Since December of 2019, the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been infecting people. Starting with the Chinese city of Wuhan, this novel coronavirus has continued to spread throughout China. On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHIC). In response to this development, the University of Konstanz has begun an online survey about the coronavirus situation in Germany called “EUCLID”.

In “EUCLID”, master’s students led by health psychologist Professor Britta Renner in the university’s Department of Psychology will examine the general population’s behaviour and assessments regarding the novel coronavirus. In addition to the survey, a comprehensive evaluation of the virus' spread is planned, including, for example, how media influence people’s behaviour and assessments.  

Key facts:

  • The University of Konstanz starts EUCLID survey about coronavirus
  • Master’s students in the Department of Psychology open online survey
  • Led by health psychologist Professor Britta Renner from the University of Konstanz
  • Participating students: Isabel Brünecke, Kai Engel, Sofia Grieble, Leonie Hartmann, Peer Homann, Sarah Höschele, Anna Katz, Robin Kaufmann, Johanna Knecht, Julia Koller, Kim-Marie Koppe, Jennifer Martens, Vanessa Radtke, Friederike Roelcke, Sarah Rogula, Wiebke Schneider, Leonie Schuhmacher, Nelly Theiss.