Universität mit der Insel Mainau im Hintergrund
Universität mit der Insel Mainau im Hintergrund

Fresnel Prize for Dr Daniele Brida

The Konstanz-based physicist Dr Daniele Brida was awarded the Fresnel Prize of the European Physical Society (EPS) – a society of 42 European physical societies. The Fresnel Prize is awarded biennially across Europe to two young scientists under the age of 35, “for outstanding contributions in the area of quantum electronics and optics”.

Daniele Brida received the Fresnel Prize in the area of applied research “for developing broadly tunable few-optical-cycle laser sources and their application in the investigation of primary photo-induced processes in condensed matter systems,” stated the jury.

Daniele Brida is a fellow of the “Zukunftskolleg” and head of the junior research group at the Chair of Ultrafast Physics and Photonics at the University of Konstanz. He was recently granted funding through the Emmy Noether programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for researching ultrafast dynamics of electrons in atomically layered matter. Daniele Brida studied physics specialising in optics and lasers at the Politecnico di Milano university where he gained his doctorate in 2010. He has worked as a researcher in Konstanz since 2012.