Master's programmes with admission restrictions

Admission to undergraduate and graduate study programmes is governed by the admission regulations of the University of Konstanz. They contain vital information for all prospective students and supplement the applicable legal regulations, especially the Landeshochschulgesetz (state law on higher education), the Hochschulzulassungsgesetz (state law on higher education admissions) and the Hochschulvergabeverordnung Baden-Württemberg (state law on awarding admission to higher education programmes with admission restrictions).

Currently, only a limited number of examination regulations is available in English. We are working to resolve this and apologise for the inconvenience.

Biological Sciences MA 2.7

Biological Sciences MA 2.7 (English version)

Economics MA 27.3

Economics MA 27.3 (English version)

Life Science MA 9.7

Life Science MA 9.7 (English version)

Literatur - Kunst - Medien MA 17.4

Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft MA 7.5

Politics and Public Administration MA 7.5 (English version)

Psychologie MA 10.7

Doppelmasterstudiengang „Rechtsvergleichende Studien zum deutschen, europäischen und chinesischen Recht“ MA 34.0

Social and Economic Data Analysis MA 33.3

Social and Economic Data Science MA 33.3 (English version)

Master Sociology of Inequality 44.1

Sport Science for Health (MSc) MA 4.1

Sport Science for Health (MSc) MA 4.1 (English version)

Wirtschaftspädagogik MA 25.7