Screenshot of a computer simulation of diffusive skyrmion motion in a thin magnetic film. Copyright: Working group of Professor Ulrich Nowak, University of Konstanz

A step towards probabilistic computing

Working group led by physicist Professor Ulrich Nowak at the University of Konstanz, in collaboration with a team of physicists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, demonstrates how skyrmions can be used for the computer concepts of the future

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Addressing trauma and aggression

Research collaboration led by Konstanz neuropsychologist, Thomas Elbert, receives “ERC Proof of Concept Grant” to use research on trauma and violence to develop mental healthcare

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Prof. Stefan Mecking, Chair of Chemical Materials Science. Copyright: University of Konstanz

Degradable plastics

Professor Stefan Mecking, Chair of Chemical Materials Science at the University of Konstanz, receives an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council to study degradable plastics

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