Shuang Song, Dr. Keshun Zhang and Professor Thomas Götz

Downloading Chinese wisdom

Konstanz online publication, written by Chinese early career researchers on the topic of intercultural understanding between Chinese doctoral students and German supervisors, reaches more than 100,000 readers

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Experience computer science

Space available in the “Informatik-Summer Camp” hosted by the University of Konstanz and the Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences [Only available in German]

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Die Dr. K. H. Eberle Stiftung in der Stiftervitrine der Universität Konstanz

Re-thinking Europe

New University of Konstanz research centre “Kulturen Europas in einer multipolaren Weltordnung” to be established with funds from the Dr Karl Helmut Eberle Foundation – Funding of 500,000 euros

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(from the left) Andreas Härer, Dr. Julián Torres-Dowdall, Professor Axel Meyer und Dr. Melisa Olave. Photo: Ricardo Rayo

Data against dogma

Biologist from Konstanz, Professor Axel Meyer, receives the Luigi-Tartufari International Prize from the Italian National Academy

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