Professor Kerstin Krieglstein, designated rector of the University of Konstanz

In dialogue

“I’m fascinated by what the university has achieved so far”. The designated rector of the University of Konstanz, Professor Kerstin Krieglstein, shares her plans for the future. She speaks out in favour of cultivating variety when it comes to research funding formats.

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The map shows the geographic distribution and morphological diversity of the various species and ecotypes of Midas cichlids that occur in Lakes Nicaragua and Managua as well as in various crater lakes. Copyright: Andreas Kautt

Evolution does repeat itself after all

A team of University of Konstanz biologists led by Professor Axel Meyer shows that evolutionary outcomes can be predicted: In a new publication in the journal “Evolution Letters”, they are able to identify some of the factors that contribute to recurrent patterns of diversity and similarity in cichlids.

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New rector

The University of Konstanz has a new rector: The Senate and University Council have elected Professor Kerstin Krieglstein, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg, on 3 July 2018 to become the successor of Professor Ulrich Rüdiger.

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A transatlantic success story

The ninth Wolfgang-Iser-Lecture from the Centre of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Social Integration” on the concept of world literature (held in German) [Only available in German]

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