Towards a coherent application of Human Rights Law in Europe

New Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Konstanz: Postdoctoral researcher Dr Nasiya Daminova specialises in European Human Rights Law. With funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, she will address the specific challenge of offering suggestions for a coherent European judicial policy in the area of due process rights.

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Locust outbreak in Kenya: Interview with Dr Einat Couzin-Fuchs

Dr Einat Couzin-Fuchs from the Cluster of Excellence "Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour" at the University of Konstanz has just returned from the locust outbreak in Kenya where her team of researchers are doing something rarely done with natural plagues: basic scientific research. She describes what her team saw, what they are doing, and her hopes for how science can contribute to controlling outbreaks. Read the interview with her in our online magazine "".

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Uncovering the origin of symbiosis

Limnologist Lutz Becks from the University of Konstanz receives funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for a research project that investigates why and how individuals of two species merge into a single life form.

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A potential new pathway linking stress to heart disease

While decades of research have finally confirmed that stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, understanding the physiological mechanisms of how this occurs is far from being a closed case: Now, Konstanz scientists from the Department of Psychology and the Cluster of Excellence "Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour" have uncovered a potential new pathway linking stress to cardiovascular disease on the basis of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System (RAAS).

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“Equal Pay Day”: Inequality in the Labour Market

17 March is ‘Equal Pay Day’: By that date, 21 percent of the year is over, exactly the 21 percent that women in Germany on average earn less than men. This means that a given ‘average woman’ would work for free up until this date if she received a man’s average salary for the rest of the year. On this occasion, we talk to Susanne Strauß, professor of sociology and a specialist in gender studies.

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Stress in space

Konstanz biologist Dr María Moreno instructs taekwondo to students in the sports programme at the University of Konstanz and conducts research at NASA on how spaceflight crews can stay healthy on a future mission to Mars. Read more about her work in the current cover story of our online magazine "".

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Genderkompetenz in Studium, Lehre und Weiterbildung

Das Projekt Gender in der Lehre (GiL) zur Integration von Genderkompetenz in Studium, Lehre und hochschuldidaktischer Weiterbildung an der Universität Konstanz geht nach erfolgreichen fünf Jahren zu Ende. In diesem Artikel beleuchten wir den Beitrag, den das Projekt auf verschiedenen Ebenen an der Universität geleistet hat.

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