Better quality control in radiotherapy

From basic research to clinical application: Research team at the University of Konstanz receives Proof of Concept Grant from the European Research Council for the development of a novel liquid dosimeter.

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Children sit at a table and eat together.

Free lunch for all children

Konstanz health psychologist Britta Renner supported the German Bundestag citizens' council ‘Ernährung im Wandel’ ('Nutrition in Transition') in recommending free lunches for children.

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Old photo of the formerly new port la Joliette as well as pont transbordeur above the old port of Marseille.

Mediterranean networks, clans and Marseille

For portions of today's society, technological and infrastructural progress such as AI-guided transportation routes and automated subways is indispensable. For others, these developments are unsettling or even frightening. In the past, new infrastructures have often had unforeseeable political, economic and cultural consequences. What impact do they continue to have today?

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Doctors in the operating room.

The dilemma of triage

The German law governing triage puts doctors in a predicament and criminalizes medical decisions, explains Alexandra Windsberger, a Konstanz-based legal expert. She advocates for removing criminal law from triage decisions.

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Biomineralization mechanism revealed

How do living organisms produce minerals – for example, for their shells? Researchers from the University of Konstanz and Leibniz University Hannover have come a step closer to answering this question. In a joint study, they have deciphered the formation mechanism of amorphous calcium carbonate, an intermediate in biomineralization.

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Augmented reality

The chemical industry fund FCI supports the use of augmented reality in teaching at the University of Konstanz with around 16,700 euros: teaching project by Konstanz chemists Miriam Unterlass and Sabrina Syskowski.

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2023 state teaching award

Barbara Ette, Gabriele Schaub and Anton Schwärzler receive the 2023 state teaching award (Landeslehrpreis) in the category climate protection for the qualification N sustainability project initiated by students at the University of Konstanz.

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TIDIT research institute

"Thurgauer Institut für Digitale Transformation (TIDIT)" founded by the Foundation for Science and Research of the Canton Thurgau along with the University of Konstanz and HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences. Institute to open doors in 2024, at the planned "Digital & Innovation Campus" in Kreuzlingen (Switzerland).

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[Translate to Englisch:] Student sitzt in der Bibliothek an seinem Laptop mit vielen aufgeschlagenen Büchern drumherum

Support for students

The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship provides funding and support for almost 50 students at the University of Konstanz. The programme is for high-achieving students, especially those who are involved in social projects.

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